Monday, December 01, 2008

@ Palladium, Stockholm

Okay I’ll take it from the beginning, the first day was pretty tough and not what I expected.
I was spending the day running up and down in the house looking for someone who had a Windows CD so I could clean the harddrive of my computer. This day I got annoyed, irritated and it was the first day in 1, 5 years I watched the time and wanted to go home.
But now afterwards I can look at it in a positive way, if my workstation would have been ready then I probably wouldn’t get to know the other people at Palladium that fast.

My first real assignment was to make a motion for a client including matte painting, 3D and 2D composition. From this point everything went to the better, I got to show them I knew After effects and some 3D comp.

Today I started making a detailed and realistic albumcase in Maya. A great thing to start with when learning modeling. Everyone in my department is really helpful and has patience with me when I ask stupid questions.

This will turn out great. I love being geeky talking about effects and listening to chiptunes all day long.

It’s a cozy building with nice harmony.

And by the way, This is a none mac-friendly area ;D

kthxbye /Daniel Stenberg at Palladium


Anonymous said...

You have to say hello to palladium from me David Lundmark, Fredrik Fransson and Martin Johansson :)

Petter Säfwenberg said...
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Anonymous said...

And Larssa!

/Larssa Thomsen

Anonymous said...

Henrik Björn FTW!