Friday, November 28, 2008

One down, 29 to go!

This is Axel Widén, reporting from Daddy in Gothenburg, Sweden. Starting one week later than most other kids, I've just finished my first five days here. Its been a blast! I've worked mainly on a pitch together with some really, really amazing people. Seeing highly creative, highly experienced individuals throw around ideas like they were popcorn is very inspiring! Its just so awesome to see how fast their minds work and how quickly they're able to leap from concept to concept while still maintaining focus. It also shows me how much I still need to grow and how much I have to learn, which makes me feel humble and excited at the same time. The pitch went really well, making the long hours of constantly changing wireframes feel worth the effort. I've also done some messing around in After Effects and had some beers. Can't complain!

Everyone has been really nice and helpful, and I feel very comfortable here. I'm being put to work hardcore and I'm actively participating in real projects, which makes me feel that my internship is being taken very seriously. I'm learning constantly, and its already very clear to me that the internship is the part of Hyper Island where you will pick up the majority of your skillz.

That being said, I was pleased to discover that Hyper Island has prepared me well for the internship. In many ways the methods, atmosphere, language and frame of mind here is very similar to that of the school. The main difference is that at this place, everybody knows what they're doing. Nobody can afford to dick around or whine. To me, this is Heaven.

But I still miss you guys.

Now beer!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that you having a great time Axel. It's amazing how you can apply your experience from Hyper Island and your past as a teacher in this business. Things will go well for you!

/Larssa Thomsen