Thursday, February 19, 2009

Super dingue à Paris!

Hello darlings! 

It would seem I missed my mark for posting another update here, but better late than never. 

Good news everyone! My first solo project as a developer at Soleil Noir just launched!

The site promoting the indian electric car REVA in France has dropped and, along with it, the jaws of environmentalists everywhere! We hope!

So thanks Team REVA, Sophie, Sylvain, Romain and my main man Tonio. We Rox!

Here's a picture of me with the little toddler

So other than saving the planet, keeping kittens cute and crapping confetti, I've been keeping myself busy. Plenty of stuff has been going on chez Soleil Noir! We've moved to a fancy new address, 1 Rue Du Mail just off of Place des victoires. YES the office isn't just number one in mail, it's also just by THE PLACE OF VICTORIES. 4 teh win doesn't even begin to describe the shear win-ness of the address. Won the Adobe MAX award, of course! And what else... Oh yes, we'll continue to be awesome this whole year as well so stay tuned! 


Andreas Palmerén


Right! I forgot about how the post needs to be a certain length, so here's an essay about my favourite blog:

Cake wrecks is amazing because it combines my love for pastries, with my love of miserable failures. The harsh reality that often times an overwhelming enthusiasm for a subject isn't paired with a stellar talent in depicting said subject in cake form is just lovely to behold. With the soccer cakes and the pokémon cakes and oh the lengths some people go to, it makes my heart beat faster!

I love seeing the "doll-cakes" some poor sap of a mother has mad for a ,let's face it , probably morbidly obese and most likely ungrateful child and think of how they both find each other in a moment of unbridled disappointment for a short moment before gorging themselves on, what in an uncreative cake would be rather pleasant tasting but has been replaced with something of a more rigid and moldable nature.

You would think that I'd appreciate the fact that all this work has come from good intentions and will be treated as such by both onlooker and recipient of said cake, but nothing could be further from the truth. Cake wrecks, in it's essence is the human experience, right there in it's sloppy misshapen form! 

this is probably long enough.

Andreas out.  


nemo digital said...

Nice work, Andreas.
Hats off.

Fredrik said...

In other cake related news:


Andreas P said...

Haha! gotta love Fox news!
Thanks Nemo!

Unknown said...

Thanks to you andreas. And thanks to your french teacher !

nemo digital said...

Grattis till FWA!!

Andreas P said...

Tack Nemo! Det var lite otippat, men gött som fan!