Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Classmates, CO workers, Friends and Foes

This is Martin Brolin exposure thoughts and attitude from 9th Avenue, Firstborn, New York.

The office reveals with tender white walls, surrendered with desks and private spaces, dividing the area of people and responsibilities. The atmosphere here is warm and helping, the people are top talented and the workflow is high-speed ever going.

Hyper Island, have provided me with the toolbar that I need, to be able to start to work immediately from the first day at my internship. Or more correct; providing me with the determination to get that toolbar and further develop it to my own neurotic mix.

I have been quite busy. Starting from day two with three different projects have kept my mind full and my weekends now and then occupied in the diffuse glow of street signs, appealing from the office view. I have mostly worked with the synthesis of animation and programming, one foot in after effects, the other one in flash, just the way my schizophrenic, alienated mind wants it.

The first week in New York I was curious of my forthcoming stay. I decided to go to a psychic reader to help figure out my matter of insecurity. A homeless man stopped me outside the psychic and shouted: “I can help you predict your future, if you screw up once you are fucked.”

The American people are very proficient, working as much as they have to in order get the job done with the right finish. It is an absolute amazing feeling to be embraced by the topdogs in the fields of digital production. To receive feedback on the work I am doing by the ones I respect, makes my learning grow and wane in the notion of excitement and pressure.

Having that said, lots of love and wishes

Yours Truly


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