Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Observations from the other side of the table.

It's hard for me to make justice for my great achievements. So I asked my fellow worker from Karlskrona, Sebastian, to describe my succes; here is what he wrote.

Observations of Johan sorted by time.

1- First second, Johan almost trips on the stairs entering the door, making a big ass out of himself. I remember thinking, this little fuck won't survive one day.

2- First hour, Johan takes the snus! *high five*.

3- First hour, Johan uses the mac! *high five*

4- First day, Johan has settled in, unpacked his mac when he realizes he haven't been given any work. I remember him shaking his leg like crazy, I couldn't concentrate so I told him 
"Johan why don't we make a game together! You like drawing stuff ye?"


I said some random things and he started painting on his wacom like a boy masturbating for the first time.

I thought he can't possibly have bought that?! Johan reviled himself to be more stupid than he looks(And thats saying a lot when looking at you guys....pissing on the floors of your very own classmates!).

5- Second day, Johan gets his shit together, calms down.

6- End of first week - Johan rolls like a Sombrero hombre. Talking it easy,  maxin relaxin with the amigos. Still making an idiot out of himself but everybody just accepted it after the 10th time

7- Johan start to get busy with the wacom, drawing a lot of stuff for IKEA and BMW.

1-7 Johan sleeps in a shitty corner somewhere in a barcelona getto.....with 4 blankets to keep himself warm.

8 - Johan gets his place in the herd.

9 - Johan meets a nice spanish girl in a club one saturday.

10-20 - Johan is totally depressed because the girl untagged herself from his pictures and doesn not answers his mail he spent 4 hours preparing.

21 - Johan chokes on his wacom pen, still don't know if this was suicidal behavior or not.

22- Johan just does retarded things, likes goes for walks... on the spanish mountains... by himself..... on a saturday...

23 - Johan and me now roll together, we are good friends.

24 - Me and Johan uses the beer, sharing our broken heart stories. Johan I wanted to cry, but you did not allow me to.

25 - Johan works A LOT with BMW. He loves it. 

26 - Johan still on BMW, not so much love anymore.


35 - Johan still on BMW, he lost perspective of love and hate.

36 - Don't mess with the Johan.

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